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Family Pisauridae
Great Raft spider Dolomedes fimbriatus
Click for more info/photos about Dolomedes fimbriatus (Great Raft spider)

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Click for more info/photos about Dolomedes plantarius (Fen Raft spider)

- Pisaura acoreensis
Click for more info/photos about Pisaura acoreensis (-)

Nursery Web spider Pisaura mirabilis
Click for more info/photos about Pisaura mirabilis (Nursery Web spider)

Family name:
Family common name:
Nursery web spiders

To the left there is one photo from each of the spiders represented in this family. Click on it to get to the individual page for that spider.


  © Stefan Sollfors,
No photos may be used in any way
without written permisson,
but feel free to link to individual pages.
I am a photographer, not an arachnologist. Although I spend a lot of time on spider identification, I can not give a 100% guarantee on the id of the spiders.