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Dolomedes plantarius

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Licence photo for editorial or commercial use. Fen Raft spider from above. The markings of the spider can be fairly similar to the other Dolomedes (ie fimbriatus) spider, but it often lacks the big light stripes from the head and back.
(Found: Gryt Sörmland Sweden. Aug 2006 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius, full of eggs.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Close-up of a striped male Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Close-up of a brown male Dolomedes plantarius. Found on the same place as the striped one above.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius among the vegetation in a lake.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius among the vegetation in a lake.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Young Dolomedes plantarius with its front legs on the surface to detect vibrations.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Licence photo for editorial or commercial use. Head-on close-up of a female Fen Raft spider.
(Found: Gryt Sörmland Sweden. Aug 2006 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius carrying its egg sac. The egg sac is about 15-16 mm in diameter.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Licence photo for editorial or commercial use. Female Dolomedes plantarius guarding the nursery web.
(Found: Gryt Sörmland Sweden. Aug 2006 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Dolomedes plantarius spiderlings inside the nursery web, in the upper right corner of the photo. In the bottom left corner is the small bridge in the lake.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Dolomedes plantarius spiderlings inside the nursery web.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Close-up of Dolomedes plantarius spiderlings inside the nursery web.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius guarding her spiderlings inside the nursery web.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius guarding her nursery web.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius floating on the surface.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius floating on the surface.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius floating on the surface, seen from below.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius hiding under water. The air trapped all around its body keeps him dry.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius submerged.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius submerged.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

 Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius submerged.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius with only a part of the back legs above the surface.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Close-up of a part of a leg, covered with air under water, of a male Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Licence photo for editorial or commercial use. Young female Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Oct 2006 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius, side view.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Licence photo for editorial or commercial use. Young female Dolomedes plantarius, side-view.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Oct 2006 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Head-on view of a male Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Head-on view of a male Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Licence photo for editorial or commercial use. Head-on view of a young female Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Oct 2006 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius, close-up of the eyes.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius from below.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius from below. Both the brown and the striped males looked exactly the same from below.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Same photo as above, close-up of sternum. A mix of light and dark hairs.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Close-up of the palp of a male Dolomedes plantarius.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Subadult male Dolomedes plantarius, about 15 mm long.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. Apr 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius, close-up of epigyne.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius, close-up of epigyne.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Male Dolomedes plantarius, just above 15 mm long.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius, about 23 mm long. This photo is adjusted to about the same scale as the photo above this, so you can see the difference in size between the male and female.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. May 2009 )

Fen Raft spider Dolomedes plantarius
Female Dolomedes plantarius carrying its egg sac. The egg sac is about 15-16 mm in diameter.
(Found: Nyköping Sörmland Sweden. July 2009 )

Scientific name:
Dolomedes plantarius
Common name:
Fen Raft spider

This fishing spider is not as common at the D. Fimbriatus.
It is fast and hunts its prey down. It can run on the surface or swim under water to catch prey. If it feels threatened the spider can hide submerged for an hour. Often it has its front legs on the water surface to detect vibrations from prey.

  © Stefan Sollfors,
No photos may be used in any way
without written permisson,
but feel free to link to individual pages.
I am a photographer, not an arachnologist. Although I spend a lot of time on spider identification, I can not give a 100% guarantee on the id of the spiders.